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Something About Lorelei Page 19
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Page 19
“Jack, I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to lunch now.”
“Fine. Don’t forget my coffee.”
I sighed and shut the door. “Don’t forget my coffee,” I mumbled as I headed toward the elevators. With his attitude towards me, he’d be lucky if I didn’t spill it all over his desk and leave him to clean it up. Exiting the building, I headed down to the café for a sandwich.
After my lunch was over, I went to Starbucks and got Jack his afternoon coffee. When I arrived back to the building, the paparazzi had grown in size and began to crowd me.
“You’re Jack Sutton’s PA, aren’t you?” one man asked.
“Yes. That’s right.”
“Would you care to say a few words regarding the murder of his sister’s boyfriend?”
“I’m sorry, but I know nothing about that.”
“Rumor has it that Kit Sutton fled the country? Did she know something about it?”
I sighed. They were all around me, invading my personal space and not letting me get inside the building. I looked at Jack’s coffee and then back up at the people who surrounded me. I took a step forward as if I was pushed and accidentally spilled some coffee on the guy in front of me. Then I spilled some on the person next to him and then the person next to him. They backed off as they began to yell.
“If you wouldn’t have invaded my personal space, I wouldn’t have spilled coffee on you.” I smiled.
Suddenly, I felt a hand grasp my arm and pull me back. Jack led me inside the building while holding up his hand at the paparazzi.
“Thanks, but I didn’t need saving.”
“If I didn’t stop you, there wouldn’t be any coffee left for me to drink.” He smirked.
I gave him a small smile and we rode the elevator up in silence.
Over the next couple of days, nothing much had changed. The paparazzi were still camped outside waiting for their next victim. But when they saw me coming with coffee in my hands, they slowly backed away and let me get through. As I was sitting at my desk doing some work, Daniel from the editing department walked up.
“Hey, Lorelei.” He smiled.
“Hi, Daniel.”
“I saw your profile on Match.com,” he said rather loudly.
Oh shit.
“Really?” I cocked my head.
“Yeah, and since we know each other, I thought instead of messaging you online, I’d come talk to you in person.”
Double shit.
“Oh.” I raised both my eyebrows in surprise.
“I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner some night.”
I took in a deep breath when I saw Jack jump up from his chair and walk over to my desk.
“Lorelei, in my office, NOW!” he shouted. “And as for you, Daniel, she isn’t going to have dinner with you. Now get back to work before I fire you!”
I took a seat across from his desk and he slammed the door.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he asked.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re on Match.com? Really, Lorelei?”
My knees were trembling and I needed to get a grip.
“Yes. What’s wrong with that?”
“What’s wrong with that? Do you know how many psychos there are in the world looking for someone like you to prey on?”
Clearly, he was upset by the fact that I was on a dating site. It was none of his damn business and now I was getting angry.
“‘Yes?’ Is that all you can say?”
Clearing my throat, I spoke, “What I do on my personal time isn’t any of your concern, Jack.”
His eyes were now fully consumed with anger.
“It is my damn concern if something happens to you and I’m left without a PA!” he yelled.
“Then you’ll hire another one!” I yelled back, losing all control.
“I don’t want another one. You’re by far the best I’ve had. Both personally and professionally.” He realized what he had said and turned his back to me and stared out the window with his hands in his pockets.
I was stunned at his words and I couldn’t find it in me to shoot anything back at him.
“Thank you. If you’re done screaming at me, I have work to do.” I got up from my chair and headed towards the door.
“Lorelei?” he called out to me. “You’ll date some random stranger that could hurt you, but you won’t give me the time of day?”
My stomach sank and my heart started to ache.
“You already hurt me, Jack.” I walked out and carefully pulled the door shut.
Tears started to form in my eyes, so I went into the bathroom to collect myself.
Chapter Forty-Five
I closed my eyes after hearing Lorelei speak those words. Even after everything I did for her, she still hadn’t forgiven me for the things I said after finding out about Hope. I took a seat in my chair and cupped my face in my hands. I missed her and I missed Hope. Not only did Lorelei have an impact on my life the minute she spilled coffee on me, but Hope did as well. I looked up when I heard the door open and Coco walked in with two men dressed in suits.
“Jack, this is Detective Henley and Detective Sloan. They have some news regarding Joshua’s murder.”
“Nice to meet you, gentlemen. I’m Jack Sutton. Please have a seat.”
“We found the person who killed Joshua. Her name is Shae Sanders.”
I looked over at Coco in surprise. “Why would Shae kill Joshua?” I asked the detectives.
“Apparently, they got into a huge fight that day and she told him she was leaving. When she tried to leave, he threw her around and beat her up. She got hold of a kitchen knife and stabbed him repeatedly.”
“So it was self-defense,” I spoke.
“I guess you can say that, but that’s for a jury to decide. Anyway, we wanted to let you know that we won’t be bothering your family again. Have a good day.”
The detectives left my office and Coco sat across from me with a small smile across her face.
“I always knew he was crazy. Good for her for defending herself,” she spoke.
“She’s going to need a good defense attorney and we’re paying the bill.”
“Are you crazy, Jack? Mom just gave her all that money.”
“Exactly, and she’s going to need it to stay quiet. We can’t risk her saying something about what our mother had her do a couple of years ago. I’m going to call Avery Lewis and see if she’ll take the case.”
“If you say so. But you need to remember that she was the woman who was sleeping with my boyfriend.”
“And you need to remember that Garrett is the man who was sleeping with his girlfriend.”
She rolled her eyes and got up from her seat. “I suppose. I’ll talk to you later.”
I grabbed my phone and dialed my mother in Paris.
“Hello, darling,” she answered.
“I just wanted to let you know that Shae was the one who murdered Joshua.”
“Oh dear. That girl has a little spunk in her. Remind me to thank her when I return.”
“It was self-defense, Mother. He was beating the crap out of her.”
A light laugh came through the phone. “Do you believe that son? Anyway, I’ll be home in a few days.”
“I’m hiring her a good defense attorney and you’re paying her legal fees.”
“What? Why?”
“Because we don’t need to take the chance that she’s going to spill the beans about you. It’s the least we can do. And another thing, I think it’s time you retired from Sutton Magazine.”
“Excuse me, Jack?” Her voice took on a stern tone.
“We’ll talk more about this when you get back. I have to go.” Click.
Now that this situation was semi-handled, I needed to work on getting Lorelei to forgive me and agree to go out with me. As I was pondering ways, my office door opened and she stepped inside while keeping
her hand around the door handle.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Jack, but I need to know why you punched Garrett.”
I let out a light chuckle. “You don’t have a clue as to why I did it?”
“No. I don’t.”
“Because he’s sleeping with my sister.”
“Oh.” She backed up into the hallway and pulled the door shut.
My new suit from Bloomingdale’s was ready to be picked up and I thought about sending Lorelei to go get it, but decided to do it myself because I wanted to get out of the office.
“I’m leaving for the day, Lorelei. I have a couple of things I need to take care of. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Okay. Have a nice night, Jack.”
“You too.”
I climbed into the limo and instructed Tony to take me to Bloomingdale’s. As I was in the men’s section, looking at their sweater line, I heard a voice next to me.
“Well, if it isn’t Mr. Jack Sutton.”
“Hello, Stella.” I smiled. “What brings you to Bloomingdale’s this afternoon?”
“Just doing a little shopping for my boyfriend. You?”
“Picking up a new suit.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t make Lorelei do it for you.”
“The thought crossed my mind, but I decided to do it myself.”
“Listen, Jack, I want to thank you for looking after Hope while Lorelei was in the hospital. That was very kind of you.”
“You’re welcome. Hope is a great kid.”
“She is. Isn’t she? And so is her mother.” A small smile crossed her lips.
“Yeah. Lorelei is great. Hey, do you have some time to grab a coffee? I want to talk to you about something.”
She gave me an odd look. “Umm. Sure. I guess so.”
The next morning, as I was walking towards Jack’s office, I noticed there was a bouquet of yellow roses perfectly arranged in a vase sitting on the edge of my desk. I set my things down and walked into Jack’s office with his coffee.
“Do you know where those flowers came from?” I asked as I set his cup down.
“They’re from me. Do you like them?”
“They’re beautiful. What’s the occasion?” I narrowed my eye.
“Again, they’re apology flowers.”
“For what?” I asked.
“I want to apologize to you for the way I spoke yesterday about the whole dating site thing. I was way out of line and I’m sorry. Of course what you do on your own time is none of my business. It’s your life and I had no right.”
“Thank you, Jack. I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.”
He walked over to where I was standing and clasped my shoulders.
“Listen, Lorelei, I’ve been giving my behavior and actions a lot of thought. I know I’ve hurt you in the past and I’m sorry. We’re friends and that’s how I want things to stay between us. So as a friend, I’m going to be honest with you. I think you should start dating again. You’re an amazing woman and I know you would have no problem finding your Prince Charming if you just let yourself. In fact, I know a couple of great guys who would love to go out with you.”
Suddenly, it felt like I was gasping for air. Was he being serious? I gulped.
“Thanks, Jack, but I can find my own dates.”
“Okay. If you change your mind, let me know. Another thing, if you wouldn’t mind, I would like you to give some of your sketches to the sewing department.”
“Because I think you have a real talent and I’m thinking that maybe we should feature some of your designs in our January issue.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, right, Jack.”
“Lorelei, I’m not kidding. Now get your ass to the sewing department and tell them I said they are to get working on your designs immediately. Wait,” he said as he walked over to his phone.
“This is Jack Sutton. I’m sending my PA, Lorelei, up to give you some designs I want started immediately. When you’re finished with the outfits, I want them brought straight to my office.”
He looked at me and smiled. “You’re all set.”
“I don’t know what to say, Jack. Thank you!” I impulsively threw my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me.
“You’re welcome. Now go.”
Feeling his arms around me again felt good. But what didn’t feel good was my heart. Hearing him say that he only wanted a friendship did something to me. It made me feel sad and alone. I couldn’t explain it if I tried. There was a time when he wanted me and I pushed him away. I pushed him so far that now he was no longer interested in me and that hurt like a bitch.
Later that evening as I lay in bed, I thought about Jack. I knew Hope missed him because she expressed it during dinner. My heart still hurt because I was in love with him. I was stupid for pushing him away that night he kissed me at his house, but I wanted him to know that it wasn’t going to be that easy. I was playing a game, making him pay for the things he’d said to me. But in the end, I wound up the loser. A tear fell from my eye the more I thought about it. Tomorrow would be a new day and a new start on my quest to try and get Jack to see that he was the one for me and I was the one for him.
Chapter Forty-Six
“Good morning, Jack.” I smiled as I set his coffee cup on his desk.
“Good morning. You seem in a chipper mood.”
“It’s Halloween. Speaking of which, I know this is really random, but Hope asked me to ask you if you would like to come to my parents’ house with us tonight. She has this crazy idea that maybe you would like to go trick or treating with us.”
He arched his brow. “Really? Hope would like me to come?”
“Yeah. But if you have plans, don’t worry about it. I already explained to her that it was such short notice and that you were probably busy.”
“I don’t have any plans tonight. Besides, if she invited me, how could I say no?”
“Okay. Oh, another thing. I’m sorry to spring this on you at the last minute, but would it be okay if I got off early to attend Hope’s Halloween party at school? It starts at two o’clock.”
“Of course.” He smiled. “I’ll tell Tony to drop you off.”
I was going out on a limb here, but I couldn’t help but ask.
“You know, I think Hope would be thrilled if you came.”
“To her school Halloween party?” he asked in surprise.
“Yeah. Just an idea. Don’t worry about it.” I waved my hand.
“Okay. I’ll go.”
I stood there in shock that he actually said yes. On the inside, I was dancing.
“Okay. Great. Thank you. She’s going to be so surprised.”
We arrived at Hope’s classroom and the look on her face when she saw Jack and me walk into the room was priceless. She ran over and hugged us both.
“Jack! What are you doing here?”
“Your mom invited me. Look at you. You’re such a beautiful Cinderella.” He smiled.
“Thank you, Jack. Come meet my teacher.” She took hold of his hand and led him over to Miss. Strong.
“Miss. Strong, this is my friend, Jack. He’s my mom’s boss.”
“I see. It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” She smiled.
“My pleasure, Miss. Strong.” He smiled back with his charming smile and I wanted to vomit.
As the children were playing games and running around the classroom, Jack looked over at me.
“Hope’s teacher is really hot. I wonder what my chances are of getting her to go out with me.”
A wave of jealousy crashed over me. “She’s not that hot and I think she’s seeing someone.”
“What a shame and I think she’s very hot.” He smirked.
As I stood there and stewed over his comments, Addison’s mom walked over to us.
�Hello, Lorelei. I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Curtis.”
“Hello, Jane.” I gave a fake smile. “Nice to meet you, Curtis. This is my boss, Jack Sutton. Jack, this is Jane, Addison’s mom.”
“Ah, nice to meet you, Jane. Curtis.” They all shook hands and I rolled my eyes.
“Hope tells us that Addison is switching schools.”
“Yes. This wonderful man is inviting us into his home and, to be honest, the school district over there is way better.”
I couldn’t help myself and I couldn’t resist. “How long have you two known each other?”
“A couple of months. But it was love at first sight. We met on Match.com. He’s my soulmate.”
“Really?” Jack spoke up. “Lorelei just joined Match.”
“You did?” Jane asked with a surprised tone.
Fuck you, Jack.
“Yes, I did.”
“Anyone special yet?”
“No. Not yet. Hopefully, soon. I’m still weeding through the prospects.”
“Well, good luck to you. I hope you have the same luck I did.”
“Thank you.” My fake smile grew wider.
The two of them walked away and Jack began to laugh.
“Does your face hurt?” he asked.
“Yes. ‘It was love at first sight. He’s my soulmate.’ Whatever!”
“It sounds to me like you’re a little jealous.”
“Who? Me?” I pointed to myself. “I’m not jealous at all. It’s just the way she said it.”
“Sure.” He chuckled.
“Now if you want to talk about someone being hot, check out that dad over there. It doesn’t look like he’s wearing a ring either. Hey, Hope.” I called to her.
“Yes, Mommy.”
“Who’s that man over there with that little boy?”
“That’s Jonathan’s dad. Jonathan was the boy I told you about last year whose mom died of cancer.”
“Oh yeah. Poor kid.” I bit down on my bottom lip.
“So are you going to go hit on the poor man who probably is still grieving over the death of his wife?” Jack asked with a smirk.
I smacked his arm and walked away.
We stopped at Jack’s penthouse first so he could change his clothes before going to my parents’ house. It didn’t make sense for him to drive us home, go home and change, and then come back to pick us up. I told him that we’d meet him there, but he insisted on driving us.